FAQs & Updates


We expect works to commence in Quarter 1 of 2024.

Our initial works will include site establishment. You can expect to see the erection of our site office, the establishment of a stockpile area and the installation of CCTV and fencing for public safety and site security.

Under scrubbing simply means vegetation and surface debris clearing and removal. We will work in accordance with our Vegetation and Habitat Management Plan and relevant approvals. Under scrubbing will allow us to perform detailed survey on the site, in order to inform the civil design for Subdivision Works Certificate Approvals, prior to construction.

There may be times during the early works phase that Flowers Drive will be affected. We will ensure the community are made aware via newsletter and this website. Expect to see some temporary adjustments to speed zones where necessary.  

We are truly looking forward to constructing this pathway through the northern outskirts of Hamlet B, across Flowers Drive, following the Colliery Railway line through bushland to the beach. There is some wonderful history here and we plan on telling stories of the past, so they live on through generations to come. Under scrubbing activities will be carried out along sections of the Heritage Walk initially, which will again allow detail survey to be carried out, which will inform the civil design for subdivision Works Approvals.

The Development Application approved in December 2022 was for low density housing. Our objective is for a mixture of residential styles and types. Our various lot sizes will accommodate a diverse range of architectural outcomes.  

Yes, if there is enough interest.

Keep an eye on our website. Soon you will be able to choose a lot of interest and register that interest online.

Under the current projected timelines, commencement could begin by the end of the year.


Please contact us via info@catherinehill.net.au


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